About the Poorly Kept Secret Society

The Poorly Kept Secret Society does not usually participate in online activity.  Our communications generally happen face-to-face; typically in a darkened ally or appropriately smoke-filled speakeasy.  (Which is not easy to find, let me tell you, since cigarettes are bad for you and should be avoided, and bringing a bucket of water and dry ice into a smoke-free establishment is likely to blow your cover…)

If you would like to contact the Poorly Kept Secret Society, or learn more about our organization, then please follow these simple instructions.

  1. Go to your nearest local library and ask the friendly, if nervous-looking, librarian for a copy of last Saturday’s Denver Post.
  2. Cut out the first article on page five.
  3. Circle the third word in the second paragraph with a pen.  Preferably red.  This is the secret word.
  4. Leave a comment on this website with an anagram of the secret word hidden in the final sentence.

Once you have performed these simple steps, a member of the Poorly Kept Secret Society will review your message and, if they find that you have followed all these simple steps correctly, we will know that you are just a bit too curious and you will be avoided at all costs.

Not to be rude, as I am sure you are a wonderful person.  I apologize for this inconvenience.  Good day, sir!

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